Area Profile

Area Profile

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Lamont County is situated 40 minutes north east of Edmonton, the capital of Alberta.

Distance from Lamont County's Industrial Heartland to key locations:

  • Dow Chemical - 16 minutes, 22 kms
  • Shell Scotford - 11 minutes, 17 kms
  • Strathcona County (center) - 41 minutes, 33 kms
  • Sturgeon County (center) - 1 hour 9 minutes, 77 kms



2,474 sq km (955 sq miles)



  • Lamont County (includes the hamlets of Star, Hilliard & Wostok): 3,899
  • Town of Bruderheim: 1,308
  • Town of Lamont: 1,774
  • Town of Mundare: 852
  • Village of Andrew: 425
  • Village of Chipman: 274

Population statistics are taken from the 2021 Census Results


Building Permit Statistics

*Charts provided by Alberta Regional Dashboard


Profile Fact Sheets:

*Fact sheets provided by Alberta HUB