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2015 Landowner Oil & Gas Information Workshop
Date: March 12, 2015
Presenters: Alberta Energy Regulators, Alberta Agriculture, Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource Development,Trican Well Services, and the Farmers' Advocate Office
Topics: Landspray of Drilling Mud, Clubroot, Hydraulic Fracturing, Reclamation of Abandoned Wellsites, and Statutes vs. Ethics
Organizers: Lamont County and Strathcona County, coordinated by Lamont County Economic Development Manager, Jim Newman, Lamont County Agricultural Fieldman, Terry Eleniak, and Strathcona County Energy Exploration Liaison, Lori Mills. The Workshop was implemented under the direction of the Oil and Gas Exploration and Transportation Committee (OGEETC).
Purpose: To give land owners affected by pipelines and wells information on oil and gas issues that may affect them, and make them aware of the options available to them for working with industry.
Presentation Downloads:
Kevin Ball (Alberta Energy Regulators) - Landspray of Drilling Mud
Maureen Vadnais (Alberta Agriculture) - Clubroot
Trican Well Services - Hydraulic Fracturing
Kevin Ball and Gordan Dinwoodie (AESRD) - Reclamation of Abandoned Wellsites
Carol Goodfellow (Farmers' Advocate Office) - Statutes vs. Ethics

2014 Landowner Oil & Gas Information Workshop
Date: February 19, 2014
Presenters: Alberta Energy Regulators, the Farmer’s Advocate Office, Inter Pipline Ltd. and John Fairhead, an Independent Land Agent.
Topics: drilling waste requirements, pipeline regulations, pipeline processes, pipeline and transmission line rights and agreements, and the Alberta Energy Regulator application process.
Organizers: Lamont County and Strathcona County, coordinated by Lamont County Economic Development Manager, Jim Newman, Lamont County Agricultural Fieldman, Terry Eleniak, and Strathcona County Energy Exploration Liaison, Lori Mills. The Workshop was implemented under the direction of the Oil and Gas Exploration and Transportation Committee (OGEETC).
Purpose: To give land owners affected by pipelines and wells information on new regulations and make them aware of the options available to them for working with industry.
Presentation Downloads:
Carol Goodfellow, Farmers Advocate Office - Reservation of Rents and Workspace
Carol Goodfellow, Farmers Advocate Office - Pipelines and Transmission
John Fairhead, Independent Land Agent - Landowner’s Perspective: Your Land You Have a Say
Tina Hronek & Coreen Lawrence - AER Application Process
Rondine Cabot - AER Drilling Waste Requirements